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New Website Design Proposal

Dear Abdou,

We are thrilled to present a comprehensive proposal to revamp your website using WordPress. Our team will work tirelessly to create a visually stunning website that is easy to navigate and optimized for search engines. We understand the importance of having a strong digital presence for, and our goal is to showcase your services in the best possible light.

Our proposal includes a detailed plan for website design, development, and maintenance. We will work closely with you to ensure that the website reflects your brand identity while incorporating core SEO techniques that will help boost its visibility and attract new clients.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are excited to work with you and help you take your online presence to the next level.

Best regards,

Michelle maloney blueprinted blueprinted digital blueprinted digital

Michelle Maloney
๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ+1 (613) 407.3210ย 

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Website Design Services

Branding & Digital Experience

A digital experience refers to the online interactions that occur between customers and your brand. This includes everything from discovering your services to considering purchasing your products. It is a crucial part of the buyer’s journey.

At our company, we strive to offer website design services that deliver valuable digital experiences, which can successfully convert visitors into clients for your business.

Design & development Deliverables


Time Estimated: 3-4 weeks

Custom WordPress Theme Design:

  • Tailored design reflecting brand identity.
  • Responsive layout for optimal viewing on all devices, prioritizing mobile users.


User Interface (UI) Design:

  • Intuitive navigation for seamless user experience, including mobile-friendly menus.
  • Clear, concise layout with strategically placed elements for mobile responsiveness.


Branding Integration:

  • Consistent colour schemes and typography across desktop and mobile versions.
  • Mobile-friendly adaptation of brand logos and imagery.


Custom Templates:

  • Unique templates for different page types ensure a cohesive desktop and mobile design.
  • Responsive design for consistent user experience across devices.


Content Layout and Styling:

  • Well-organized content presentation for readability on various screen sizes.
  • Strategic use of whitespace for visual appeal, optimized for mobile viewing.


High-Quality Imagery:

  • Carefully selected, high-resolution images optimized for mobile devices.
  • Compression techniques for optimal page loading on both desktop and mobile.


Call-to-Action (CTA) Elements:

  • Prominent placement of CTA buttons, designed for easy tapping on mobile.
  • Contrasting colours to draw attention, considering mobile user interactions.

SEO-Friendly Structure:

  • Optimized site structure for search engine visibility on mobile devices.
  • Implementation of mobile SEO best practices.


Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Compatibility:

  • Testing and optimization for various web browsers and devices, prioritizing mobile responsiveness.
  • Ensures consistent performance across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.


Custom Forms:

  • Design and integration of user-friendly contact forms optimized for mobile users.
  • Data capture for lead generation or inquiries on all devices.


Social Media Integration:

  • Seamless integration of social media buttons is designed for easy mobile interaction.
  • Shareable content and easy access to social profiles across devices.


Security Features:

  • Implementation of security plugins for WordPress, ensuring mobile site protection.
  • SSL certification for secure data transmission on both desktop and mobile.


Training and Documentation:

  • User training on WordPress backend, covering mobile content management.
  • Documentation for maintenance and updates is accessible across devices.


Ongoing Support and Maintenance:

  • Post-launch support is available up to 30-days for any issues or on both desktop and mobile.


Time Estimated: 2-4 weeks from foundation delivery

French Version / Translationย 

  • Integration of a premium translation plugin, including a one-year license.ย 
  • This includes translating the English content for the homepage, navigational menus, footer, widgets, and forms.


Internal Pagesย 

  • About, Team, Categories, Contact, etc.
  • Includes content copywriting and optimization (base content idea must be provided).
  • Billed on a per-page basis; includes French translation.


Product/Services Pages

  • Display products or services individually.
  • Includes content copywriting and optimization (base content idea must be provided).
  • Each product or service can have its image gallery to display photos, details, etc.
  • Billed on a per-page basis; includes French translation.


Portfolio/Showcase Pagesย 

  • Display your top client projects or services provided to highlight your expertise.
  • Includes content copywriting and optimization (base content idea must be provided).
  • Includes an image gallery to highlight photos of each portfolio.
  • Billed on a per-page basis; includes French translation.


Project cost varies based on the additional pages required

  • Foundation
    Foundation $2450

    The base foundation for your new website, incorporating all items as outlined including the homepage.

  • French Version
    French Version $1225

    Integration of a premium translation plugin, including one language & one-year license

  • Internal Pages
    Internal Pages $180

    Pricing details for each additional internal page add-on, as outlined.

  • Product Pages
    Product Pages $120

    Pricing details for each additional product or services page add-on, as outlined.

  • Portfolio Pages
    Portfolio Pages $160

    Pricing details for each additional portfolio page add-on, as outlined.

  • Foundation
    Foundation $2450

    The base foundation for your new website, incorporating all items as outlined including the homepage.

  • French Version
    French Version $1225

    Integration of a premium translation plugin, including one language & one-year license.

  • Internal Pages
    Internal Pages $180

    Pricing details for each additional internal page add-on, as outlined.

  • Product Pages
    Product Pages $120

    Pricing details for each additional product or services page add-on, as outlined.

  • Portfolio Pages
    Portfolio Pages $160

    Pricing details for each additional portfolio page add-on, as outlined.

Payment Options

Option #1: Payย the full amount upfront, and you will receive a 10% discount on the total cost of your project, not including taxes.

Option #2: Pay a 25% deposit upfront and the balance on delivery, or divide the balance into 12 monthly installments if necessary.

All payment methods are accepted.ย 

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Hosting & Inclusions

High-Performance Hosting

Experience lightning-fast speeds, unparalleled reliability, and a tailored environment designed to optimize every facet of your WordPress site. Elevate your online presence with the power and efficiency of our dedicated WordPress hosting solutions.

Or available with exclusive rates.

Reports Dashboard

For our clients participating in any monthly advertising or SEO campaigns, we offer FREE access to our online dashboard with comprehensive reports providing essential insights into website traffic, campaign performance, and a summary of past optimizations and gleaned insights.

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Ready to move forward?

AWESOME ๐Ÿ™‚ Please use the form below to select your preferred options for approval. Our team will review and confirm the details before finalizing the invoicing for your project. Thank you for choosing our services.


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